Ibla Buskers ’22: Festival of Street Performers
The 26th edition of the Ibla Buskers Festival is back. That of restarting, of rediscovering the pleasure of being together.
Ragusa Ibla will host from October 7 to 9 this event, one of the largest in southern Italy that welcomes more than 60 thousand visitors each year.
But what makes it unique? Its simple spirit, capable of creating magic between artists from all over the world and the audience.
Companies of street performers, acrobats, clowns, fire-eaters and musicians will invade the city of “ordinary madness” with a festival this year dedicated to the goddess Hybla, who gives the city its name. And if the theme of this edition is lightness, it is not surprising that the focus is precisely on aerial disciplines.
From research regarding the origins of the cult of the goddess, comes “On the Trails of the Goddess,” a powerful and engaging performance, a passionate declaration of love for the city. The show, conceived and written by Antonio Lacognata, is directed and performed by Massimo Leggio, cleverly repurposed to blend with the rhythms of the festival, staged with free admission at the Giardini Iblei.
Let’s find out about this weekend’s artists
For the theatrical arts, i Casamatta present “On the Trail of the Goddess” where they imagine a team of researchers conducting investigations into the origin of the myth. Don’t miss the Sticky with their totally improvised and crazy show “De Niu Sciò.”
Circus arts, are offered by the No Panication with a ballant trapeze show for large spaces where the audience will be invited to lie down under the trapeze so they have the sky as a backdrop, Juriy Longhi involves the audience with his games, Carla Carnerero With his head in the clouds he performs with his diablo. We cannot forget Valeria Cultreta, who juggles a number between Air and Earth, and the Red One Duo who will tell the story of a toy soldier and a doll through acrobatics.
But they did not end there, Franxi Natra Clowna presents the show Round a Round between hula hoop turns and sophisticated acrobatics, the C.A.F.E, A multicultural group with Afro-tropical sounds, Chico Messina will sing a delightful mix of Sicilian and Oriental cultures, Fabrizio Solinas With the show Little Garden wants to seduce the audience, Chiara Serges performs accompanied by red fabric, with Pia Bautista words and movements mingle to question the world, Tripotes perform acrobatics on the Korean bascule.
Scheduling of performances
Routes have been designed to maximize time and see as many shows as possible; it pays to choose according to your arrival time or according to the shows you want to see. This does not detract from the fact that everyone can devise their own personal path!
- Red: if you want to see as much as possible
- Purple: if you want to see street performances and circus
- Green: it is a concentrated and streamlined path
- yellow: lots of stuff
- Light blue: if you get off late
- blue: music performances
There is also the possibility of a shuttle service from Ragusa to Ibla and vice versa, at the price of 1.5 euros each way.